The Riverlands covers the wetland areas around the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers and is located just outside of Alton, IL. I can't say enough about how important this area is to migratory birds. It was a bit humbling. One best parts of the day was learning that one of the ponds we birded called "Heron Pond" was to be increased in size to allow more birds, and I got to meet and bird with the private donor who headed the entire project! Sweet!
I met lots of new people, and enjoyed their enthusiasm. I did have to laugh at the fact that EVERYONE had scopes. Okay, that's not entirely true. Not everyone, but nearly. The pond banks were lined up with scopes, which to me was funny. Thankfully, they were willing to share, and I got to see FOUR new species!
I actually felt that I contributed to the day by finding a Black and white Warbler. Shew, hopefully they like me! :) The best bird moment for the day was seeing the largest flock of White Pelicans I have ever seen. I estimate that in the photo below there is 200-300 white pelicans. This flock was the second of three large flocks flying in succession. So, maybe, in all I saw nearly 700 pelicans flying south. OMG! Breathtaking!
Like I said before, I enjoyed my time with the group and look forward to future trips with them. I do have to say, though, that my heart was a little sad not birding with my BMCP friends. Actually, my heart was a lot of sad. Again, I miss you guys!
Here is my bird list for the entire day:
Juv. Little Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Snowy Egret
Caspian Tern
Great Egret
Mallard Duck
Canada Geese
Dowitcher (un-id'd)
American Avocet
Red-winged Blackbird
Greater Yellowlegs
Semi-Palmated Plover
White Pelican
Baird's Sandpiper-NEW
Stilt Sandpiper- NEW
Blue-winged Teal
Shoveler Duck
Double-crested Cormorant
Buff-breasted Sandpiper- NEW
American Goldfinches
Red-tailed Hawk
Black and White Warbler
Yellow-throated Vireo
Magnolia Warbler- NEW
Chimney Swifts
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