Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Grace for the Weary

I've come to understand in the past few weeks that birding is good for the body and soul.

Many of you know that I have been working through some pretty tough personal issues recently, and I feel like I have been wrung through the washer, mentally and physically. I have found, though, that bird walks have helped alleviate some of that pain.

There is some sort of psychosomatic process going on when you bird. Think about it... the general stance of a birder is to be looking up. Chin up, eyes up, neck elongated. The whole body in balance, steadying those binoculars, waiting for that bird to peek its little body out. Just the act of bird watching changes how you feel.

As I go on hikes through the Missouri woodlands, I have seen myself change. Even for those couple hours. I start my hike with feet dragging, head down and a drifted stare into the ground. As more birds appear, my eyes lift and, suddenly, I've forgotten my worries. There are new species to be found! My body starts feeling better and then my spirit follows suit.

Now, when I find myself low, I step outside, take a deep breath and say, "Just look up, Alicia. Just look up."

The photo above is my most favorite of the BMCP group. I miss you guys....

1 comment:

  1. Alicia, you are so right--birding is therapy! I never thought about it before, but I think you're right about how "looking up" to bird pulls you up a bit if you're down. I'm enjoying your blog posts... keep 'em coming! Laraine
    p.s. I love that picture of birders at the Morongo Valley baseball field!
