Thursday morning I had great plans to make a trip down to Gaddy Gardens to find the million-and-a-half warblers hiding amongst the trees. I woke up at 5am excited to go, only to hear rain drops hitting the roof. Major, slow rain. I can't drive an hour-and-a-half and then bird in the rain. Trip, cancelled
I was so sad. I don't think I've ever been so bummed about not birding (other than my possible N1H1 sickness back in April after a trip to Mexico and not getting to bird at BMCP.) There were so many species of warblers down there that I have never seen, and I was missing out. Sigh....
So I plunked down on my couch, all grouchy and sad, and stared out at the feeders all soaked with rain.
And then he appeared next to the feeders....a Golden-winged Warbler! Wahoo!
New species...and I didn't even have to get out of my pajamas! That was a gift.
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