There was a Female Hooded Merganser seen on one of the trout ponds, and she wasn't to be missed. Sure enough, there she sat...all by herself. What she was doing up there is a mystery, but it seems she made the place her home.
I love female Hooded Mergansers because they seemingly have bad hair days. Their head feather are all wonky, sticking straight on end, like she just woke up. Love it!
Other special species I saw this afternoon were the Rock Wren, the Canyon Wren and a female Common Yellowthroat. There were also A LOT of Yellow-Rumped Warblers, referred to in the birding world as Butter Butts. Isn't that fun to say? Butter Butts...tee-hee!
I also saw a Red-tailed Hawk totally whacking on a Cooper's Hawk that must have encroached on a territory. The RTH was screeching and diving on the CH. Awesome!
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