Friday, October 16, 2009

Appreciating the Common

With Fall Migration in motion, many of the summer regulars (like warblers) have already headed south for the sunny Caribbean (smarties!) In their place, I am getting to enjoy so many new fly-through species.

Just this past week, I added four new species to my life list: Blue-headed Vireo, Brown Creeper, Golden-crown Kinglet and the Winter Wren. I found all four of these species within one half hour at Gaddy Gardens! That was a good day!

A White-throated Sparrow, that recently returned to Innsbrook

But what I have come to appreciate the most, of late, are the Sparrows. What a wonderful creation sparrow are! Sadly, though, not many of us take notice of them. Up until last year, I would have estimated that there were only a few types of sparrows. I mean, they are often referred to in the birding community as "LBJ's" (little brown jobs.)

This amazing photo of Nelson's Sparrow was taken by the gifted Al Smith
on our trip to BK Leach Conservation Area earlier this month

But did you know there are dozens species of sparrows in the US?! And each and every one is uniquely beautiful. And they are not just drab brown. I've seen colors abound in sparrows, from yellows to oranges to reds. They really are fabulous.

This is an elusive Grasshopper Sparrow peaking its head out of the tall grass of the Santa Rosa Ecological Preserve in Marietta, CA (Thanks, Baumann!)

So next time you see that sparrow, pull out you binoculars and appreciate the common.

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