Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Learning to Warble in Missouri

Yesterday morning, I decided to stay within the Resort and do some birding along one of the great nature trail Innsbrook provides. It was a very nice morning, weather-wise and the trail was to follow a flowing stream. I was totally looking forward to this. I had some good mojo that today was going to be a good bird day.

Within 20 feet of the trailhead, I found my first Kentucky Warbler. It flew down right in front of me! Nice...that was easy.

I then spent the next three hours completely wrenching out my neck, trying to identify little cute Warblers 100 ft above my head! Oh, the challenges of birding in a tall, dense forest!

I can't tell you how much time I spent trying to identify a female Northern Parula. She was SO high up, so squirrel-y that I couldn't get a good look at her. I could only see her undersides. I was like, "Please come down here! Please, just dip your head just so I can see the top of your head. Please just sit still!" I almost wanted to throw my hiking boot at her! :) (You're all laughing at me right now, aren't you?) lol

I am slowly learning how to bird in Missouri. S-L-O-W-L-Y....

Question is: Do they make neck braces for birders?

I don't know if you can tell, but this Indigo Bunting is totally giving me the stink eye. He and his mate were going completely BAH-ZERK. I was obviously around their nest, which I never could find.

1 comment:

  1. Yucca Gal aka Jane MootzAugust 24, 2009 at 8:28 PM

    The Stink eye???? Really! How I love your musings........ as well as the pics!
