As I traveled down I-40 on my journey back to St. Louis, it did occur to me that I was passing through several Western States known for their fantastic birding. Especially New Mexico. It was killing me that I was within a couple hours of
Bosque del Apache National Wilflife Refuge and not able to enjoy the opportunity. I had my cat, Verbal, with me and driving him across country made the trip interesting, to say the least. In addition to Verbal I had a fully loaded (actully, overloaded) Dodge Neon, that could poop out on me at any moment. The extra miles would not have been wise in an overloaded car. I'd have to save Bosque del Apache for another day.
So instead, I chose to make the best of my time in Albequerque by visiting the
Rio Grande Nature Center State Park. While it wasn't THE season to be there, it was still a nice place to visit. If you ever visit (and please, do) take the time to walk all the way over to the Rio Grande River. I found the most birds there.
The hummingbirds were cool, but check out all the turtles in the background!
My best bird for the day was, what I believe to be, my first
Allen's Hummingbird. Okay, I know, those Selasphorus are a stinker to ID, but it was really green. I mean, really, really green. That would be one really green Rufous, if it were a Rufous. So I'm saying it was an Allen's. Ppppllll. :)
It was a hoot to watch the hummingbirds flycatch over the water.